Snakes Alive and Other Icky Things – May Edition

I can’t believe we are almost through June already! Outside it’s hot and humid. The air is filled with the humming of air conditioners and the buzzing of the Cicadas. And here in southeast Texas we are bracing for more rain and possible flooding as the first of the gulf storms head toward land. May wasContinue reading “Snakes Alive and Other Icky Things – May Edition”


I wish I could see inside her.mind. I wish I could see the places where the stories start and stop and then move along into other conversation – smoothly, with the natural flow of people sharing their lives. I wish I could see where that one story keeps getting stuck, playing over and over, andContinue reading “Wishes”

Bird Stories

I recently installed the Merlin app on my phone and I have quickly become obsessed with it. What the app does is to allow you to record the birds in your area and then it identifies which birds they are by their songs and birdcalls as it’s recording. I have been quite surprised by theContinue reading “Bird Stories”

To Buy, or Not to Buy

I’ve been pondering lately about whether or not to give myself the gift of a new coffee maker.  Do I need a new coffee maker? No. Not really. The one currently taking up space on my kitchen counter does, in fact, brew coffee quite faithfully.  But… does not keep said coffee hot after the brewingContinue reading “To Buy, or Not to Buy”

Writer’s Prompt 8/6/23

Describe one habit that brings you joy. It’s early in the morning. The sun has not yet made an appearance. Yet here I am again, with coffee in hand, quietly sitting on my patio. The birds begin calling to one another. Tree frogs are saying their last goodnights as the sky starts to lighten. AContinue reading “Writer’s Prompt 8/6/23”

Writer’s Prompt 8/5/23

What are you curious about? I find myself most curious about other people. What is their story? How were they raised? What are they passionate about and who and what do they love? As a child, I assumed every home was like mine. A mom, a dad, siblings. Chores on Saturday. Church on Sunday. TurkeyContinue reading “Writer’s Prompt 8/5/23”

Writer’s Prompt 7/31/23

How would you describe yourself to someone? The unvarnished truth is that, like all of us, I am more than one thing and describing all that means is dependent on who wants to know. What description am I being asked to give? Physical? Road taken? My charming personality? At 60, there are not that manyContinue reading “Writer’s Prompt 7/31/23”

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